Xerrallengües és un projecte realitzat amb l'EOI, i dins del marc del Programa IntersECCions, per crear un conjunt de videotutorials per poder practicar i aprendre vocabulari útil en diversos idiomes.
El protagonista dels vídeos és l'alumnat de l'EOI que, amb peces audiovisuals curtes, ens ajuden a millorar el nostre anglès, francès i alemany.
A continuació podeu veure els vídeos en què han treballat conjuntament amb l'auxiliar de conversa perquè pugueu millorar les vostres nocions o iniciar-vos en un idioma. Són vídeos interactius perquè pugueu practicar també els vostres coneixements previs i practicar l'aprenentatge de l'anglès!
Els vídeos interactius del Xerrallengües
The Hunger Games (Book vs film). In this video, both Hunger Games film and book are reviewed for the audience.
In this video, the narrator explains why is it worth reading Harry Potter and why this great story is loved globally.
The story teller explains her experience reading the book "About a Boy" and what she liked the most about it.
Love is equal! It has no labels, it understands of no distinctions. In this video, the narrator explains a social experiment taking place in front of a curious audience.
Review of the book 'Thrive', in which the readers gives a personal opinion and sums up its content.
The narrator sums up and gives his personal opinion on William Suttclife's 'Are you experienced?.
The narrator speaks about the book "The Sun Is Also a Star" and the love story between two teenagers meeting in New York
The storyteller speaks about Enola Holmes, in the latest Sherlock Holmes book she has read.
The narrator talks about Franz Kafka's Metamorphosis book, giving a short summary of the story, and some personal views as well.
The storyteller talks about her holidays in the North of Thailand, where she discovered amazing places and animals.
The narrator speaks to her friends about her last holidays in Cantabria, northern Spain.
The story teller speaks about her experience as a first time traveller to London, when she was just 17.
Veure totesdijous, 19 setembre, 2019 - 08:45
'Xerrallengües' amb l'EOI del Prat
Un projecte de vídeo-tutorials per practicar idiomesEls vídeos del Xerrallengües
Aquests són els vídeos originals que l'alumnat de l'EOI va preparar durant el projecte.